Thursday 5 November 2009


It took me 3 years to finalise this project, as I really wanted to push the installation and performance into 2 opposites space ( studio and outside)

It was physically very intense= 37C; the salt attacked my feet, the plastic was burning my skin; but I got what I wanted and now I don't need to think about it anymore.

Working with Keith was great, because he is so good technically in lighting and also i feel very comfortable around him.

So 3 years after I realised this first picture (at this time I was very influence by Fuerzabruta) , we drove to the Salt Flat, and I dance.

This work was done a while ago; it was cold ( February) the paint was keeping my skin from breathing, in a way I think sometime I must be a bit Maso because I put myself in extreme and delicate conditions in order to create these pictures.

I was so afraid that my neighbour would look though their window and see me spinning around painted in green with strings in my mouth and Chiara and Sana helping around.

This photo-performance was the first time I was experimenting filming and photography at the same time.

I am participating to this exhibition of performance and I'm thinking of doing something between the secret garden and the blood, soul and bones.

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